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Category: Communal Tragedy

Communal Acts of Private Intimacy: A Review of Trisha Arlin’s Place Yourself
By Alden Solovy
October 25, 2019
People wrote their prayers on 3×5 index cards.
Communal Acts of Private Intimacy: A Review of Trisha Arlin’s Place Yourself
By Alden Solovy
August 5, 2019
Prayer can give strength to activists. Prayer can remind us of our best selves, helping to galvanize action.
Prayer for Victims of New Zealand Terror Attack
By Stacey Zisook Robinson
March 17, 2019
There is no place that God is not / Even in the barrel of a gun
Mah Tovu: Transforming Curses to Blessings in Parshat Balak
By Rabbis Annie Lewis & Yosef Goldman
June 26, 2018
What does it look like to change curses into blessings? How might we become beacons of justice and compassion in these times?
By Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
March 13, 2017
What could we do on our little campus to foster interfaith solidarity and to bring comfort to two minority religious communities whose members are likely sad and anxious about bomb threats at JCCs and reports of rising Islamophobia?
One is Everything
By Alden Solovy
July 27, 2016
We're surrounded by the death of innocents. Orlando. Nice. Dallas. Tel Aviv. Innocents dead at the hand of terror. Innocents dead at the hand of gun violence. Innocents dead at the hand of complacency and silence. In Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, France, a priest was murdered in his church, a religious man doing holy work. Hostages were taken. His throat was slit. His name was Fr. Jacques Hamel. He was 84-years-old.
Two Fathers Grieving
By Alden Solovy
July 19, 2016
When I made aliyah to
It Could Have Been Me
By Rabbi Nathan Weiner
July 6, 2016
It could have been me. I could have retreated to the safe space of a gay bar or club in order to dance with a man, to hold his hand, to kiss him in safety. One of my safe havens, a safe space for LGBT people like me, has come under attack. My lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender brothers and sisters have been killed. And it could have been me. 
When Is the Right Time to Heal?
By Hila Ratzabi
August 4, 2015
Grief begins to feel like the humidity of northeast summer: a ubiquitous discomfort that we’ve come to accept as normal. 
Reflections on a Tragedy
By Rabbi Deborah Glanzberg-Krainin, Ph.D.
December 17, 2012
Our lives are stitched together with thread that is easily broken. In this time of sorrow, perhaps the best we can do is remember the promise of Elijah—and believe that redemption is near.

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