May we be garmented in white’s coolness as we feel the summer heat that still lingers.
May we be clothed in its Light in the places of mystery that we wish to see more clearly.
May we be adorned with its purity as we wade through the murkiness of the moment.
May we be dressed in its equity with the deep knowing that we share the same value and worth as any other being.
May we be ornamented with its simplicity as we navigate the current complexities of Life.
May we be enrobed in its wholeness and renewal as we seek to begin again.
May we be decked out in the hope and promise of the suffragists.
May we be wrapped in the petals of magnolia’s perseverance.
May we be clad in the weightlessness of the clouds.
And may we be comforted and nourished by the milk of the Divine
as we heal from loss with Love
during these ShivaSeven-day mourning period following the funeral of a first-degree relative, during which time family members remain at home and receive visits of comfort. Other customs include abstinence from bathing and sex, covering mirrors, sitting lower than other visitors, and the lighting of a special memorial candle which burns for seven days. DeNechemta, these Weeks of Consolation.