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A Mi Shebeirach for the Veterans of the American Armed Services in Honor of Veterans Day

a statue of the Vietnam memorial showing three male soldiers
May the one who blessed our ancestors Joshua, Devorah, Yael, and David with courage and wisdom, bless our Veterans and all those who serve in uniform with courage, wisdom, and healing on this day. 
Provide for those who sacrificed their sacred lives for the cause of freedom, a sure rest in wholeness on the wings of the Shekhinah.
Heal completely, in mind, in body, and in spirit all injured serving our country.
Remember the families of service members and remember the sacrifices they also make to our country. The time away from their loved ones, their fear waiting to hear of their safety, their care and presence for the wounded when they return home. Their grief when their service members do not return. 
Prod us to remember our own obligations of care to those who serve. To cherish their lives and the freedoms and security they sacrificed to guarantee. 
May it be your will that each of us live up to the ideals of our service members and Veterans. That we hold their service as holy as we hold that of our ancestors who served in their times.
We pray that we all witness the dawn of Isaiah’s promise. The day when we shall beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks; when nation shall not take up sword against nation and we shall never again know war.
And let us say, amen.

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