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When the World is Sick Mi Shebeirakh

Person standing in shallow water, under a sunlit sky with rays breaking through clouds.

Here is a Mi shebeirakh, a blessing for healing for our world and for our times.

“When the world is sick, can’t no one be well
But I dreamt we were all beautiful and strong…”

Mi shebeirakh avoteinu Avraham, Yitzkhak v’Ya’akov
Mi shebeirakh imoteinu Sara, Rivka, Rachel v’Leah,
Hu y’varekh v’yirapeh et kol ha-holim,
Hu y’varekh v’yirapeh et hakol.

May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
May the One who blessed our ancestors,
Sara, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah,
Bless and heal all who are sick,
Bring blessing and healing to all.

The English lyrics and melody come from “God Bless Our Dead Marines,” by Thee Silver Mount Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band. Thank you to Let My People Sing for teaching it to me.

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