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Welcoming Prayer for Shabbat

two braided challah under a white and blue cover
Bruchim Habaim/Bruchot Habaot – Blessings Upon You 
You enter this space an individual with a unique background, experiences, and emotions
to experience Shabbat – a day of rest, joy and connection to something beyond yourself.
You are welcome here, and your presence adds value to our gathering. 
You have no place to be but here. 
You have nothing to do but be open to whatever is to come. 
Endless possibility in every moment.
While our gathering is temporal, our interactions are potentially everlasting. 
We embark on a journey of awakening the best versions of ourselves 
while recognizing that we are all interconnected. 
An openness to connecting with something beyond ourselves. 
We are gathered in a common purpose of love, support and being present for each other.
We begin our journey as individuals and as one.

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Purim is a tale of resilience, standing up and speaking out. Now more than ever, we need YOUR story!

Whether you share your story for the holiday or another occasion, Purim is the perfect opportunity to embrace your role as a storyteller.

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