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Traditional Text for a Jewish Get/ Divorce

river from above with forks

בְּ_______ בְּשַׁבָּת בְּ_______ יַמִּים לְיֶרַח _______ שְׁנַת_______ לִבְרִיאַת עוֹלָם לְמִנְיָן שֶׁאָנוּ מִנְיָן כָּאן בְּ_______ מִתָּא דִיתְבָא עַל נָהַר _______ וְעַל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת אָנָא _______ בֵּן _______ הָעוֹמֵד הַיּוֹם בְּ_______ מִתָּא דִיתְבָא עַל נָהַר _______ וְעַל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת צְבִיְתִי בִּרְעוּת נַפְשִׁי בְּדְלָא אֲנִיסְנָא וּשְׁבָקִית וּפִטְרִיַּת וּתְרוּכִית יָתִיכִי לִיכִי אַנְת אִנְתְתִי _______ בַּת _______ הָעוֹמֶדֶת הַיּוֹם בְּ_______ מִתָּא דיתבא עַל נָהַר _______ועל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת דְּהַוֵית אִנְתְתִי מִן קָדְמַת דְנָא ווּכדוּ פִּטְרִיַּת וּשְׁבָקִית וּתְרוּכִית יָתִיכִי לִיכִי דִיתִיהֲוִייִן רַשָּׁאָהּ וְשָׁלְּטָאָה בְנַפְשִׁיכִי לִמְהָךְ לְהִתְנְסָבָא לְכָל גְּבַר דִיתִיצְבְיייִן וֶאֶנָשׁ לֹא יִמְחָא בִידַיְכִי מִן יוֹמָא דְּנַן וּלְעָלַם וְהָרֵי אַתְּ מֻתֶּרֶת לְכָל אָדָם וְדֵן דִּי יֶהֲוֵי לִיכִי מִנָאִי סֵפֶר תְרוּכִין וְאִגֶּרֶת שְׁבוּקִין וְגֵט פְּטוּרִין כְּדַת מֹשֶׁה וְיִשְׂרָאֵל.


פְּלוֹנִי בֵּן פְּלוֹנִי, עֵד
פְּלוֹנִי בֵּן פְּלוֹנִי, עֵד 



B’______ b’shabbat b’______ yamim l’reyakh _______ sh’nat _______ livriat olam l’minyan sheanu minyan can b’______ mita ditva al nahar _________ v’al mey m’any’not ana _______ beyn ________ haomed hayom b’_______ mita ditva al nahar ______ v’al mey m’anynot tz’viti bir’oot nafshi b’d’la ahnisna ushvakit u’fitriat u’trookhit yatikhi likhi ant m’anynot d’haveyt in’t’ti min kadmat d’na ukhdu pitriyat u’shvakit utrookhit yatikhi likhi ditiy’haviyin rash’ah v’shalya’ah v’nafshikhi limhakh litn’sava l’khol g’var dittitzvay’yin vey’aynash lo imkha bidaykhi min yoma d’nan u’la’lam v’hareyat mooteret l’khol adam v’deyn di yeyheyvey likhi minaee sefer t’rukhin v’eegeret sh’vookin v’get p’toorin k’dat Mosheh v’yisrael.


P’loni beyn ploni, ed

P’loni beyn ploni, ed


English Translation:

On the __________ day of the week, the __________ day of the month of __________ in the year __________ after creation of the world, according to the calendaric calculations that we count here, in the city __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, I, __________ the son of __________, who today am present in the city __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, willingly consent, being under no duress, to release, discharge, and divorce you [to be] on your own, you, my wife __________, daughter of __________, who are today in the city of __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, who has hitherto been my wife. And now I do release, discharge, and divorce you [to be] on your own, so that you are permitted and have authority over yourself to go and marry any man you desire. No person may object against you from this day onward, and you are permitted to every man. This shall be for you from me a bill of dismissal, a letter of release, and a document of absolution, in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel.

_________ the son of _________ — witness
_________ the son of _________ — witness.


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