Blessed are You, The Sower, Our G-d, whose hand brings forth the fruit of the vine! May you two, [name] and [name], tend to your love as G-d does all of life.
Blessed is The One, our G-d, who created you two with an inconceivable love! And may the love that brought you two together be as vast and deep as the sea; may your shared cup overflow with it all.
Blessed is The Potter, our G-d, who created souls and the love that forever bonds two of them together today. And may it bind you two through joy and struggle, laughter, and sorrow alike.
Blessed are You, our G-d, Light of Lights, who placed within each of us a vision of eternal life, and who gives us the means to find it.
Blessed are You, our G-d, The Peacemaker, who brings families together and unites the divided. May the covenant you two enter into today bring together our families for generations to come!
Blessed are You, our G-d, The Source, for making for [name] and [name] companions as You did Adam and Eve in the Garden long ago. [Name] and [name], may your love be as old and as new as that first love, and may you also bring new life, in all its forms, into our world.
And, lastly, blessed is The One who makes joy and celebration; lover and beloved; gladness and jubilation; pleasure and delight; love and solidarity; friendship and peace. May you two be the best of friends: better together as one than either of you were apart. And may the home you build be a haven for wisdom, blessing, faith, laughter, trust, and, above all, love.