We are all struggling to get through this challenging and scary time. I can easily get overwhelmed by my own vulnerability, that of my family and by thinking about everyone whose live is in dire need. I have started the practice of lighting a candle each day and taking a few moments to send my loving thoughts to those in need. I hope you may find this prayer helpful to you.
Holy One, during this pandemic and great time of fear, I send my love to every person who is more vulnerable than me.
I think of everyone whose health is fragile and pray that they are in a safe place and will stay well.
I imagine the nurses, techs, receptionists, janitors, doctors and others working in hospitals, labs and medical offices and pray that they have the supplies they need to take care of others and stay healthy and strong and know how appreciated they are each day.
I pray for people with disabilities who rely on their support staff for independence that they and their staff stay healthy, safe and strong. I pray for families whose children with disabilities have had their special education, therapies and support staff taken away because of this pandemic that they get through this difficult time as best they can.
I pray for every person in a nursing home, rehab center, residential facility, hospital, juvenile detention center, prison or other place where they can’t receive visitors that they feel our love. I pray for the family members who are in pain because they can’t go to visit.
I pray for everyone going through chemotherapy, dialysis or any other ongoing medical treatment that they feel the rallying love and prayers of community.
I pray for every animal who is in a shelter that they will find a loving home very, very, very soon.
I imagine the workers getting on public transportation to go to shifts in supermarkets, for delivery companies or the post office, pharmacies or those operating our public transit systems and I pray that they know how valued and appreciated they are.
I know that there are people who are terrified of losing their incomes, who have lost their jobs already and worry for their mortgages, bills and ability to feed their families. May they receive all of the support that they need to get by.
I make myself acknowledge that there are children, adults and elderly people who do not have enough food today and also on days when there isn’t this pandemic happening. I pray that we move out of this time into one in which we can make significant change to end hunger in our communities.
I open my heart and send all of my love to any child who is in quarantine with an abusive parent. I send my love to every person who is in quarantine with an abusive spouse and is trying with all of their might to protect their children. May they get the resources that they need to keep themselves and their family safe during this time of extreme strength.
I pray for every parent who never imagined themselves as a teacher that they find patience, humor and tons of forgiveness and that they remember that this time too shall pass.
I pray for every grandma and grandpa who aches with loneliness because they can’t see their grandkids right now.
I pray for the children and parents who are separated at our country’s border and pray that when this pandemic is over, we will work harder than ever to end their separation.
I pray for myself, for my immediate and extended family, for my circle of friends, for my children’s teachers, for my synagogue community, for my colleagues, for my neighbors–those I know and those I don’t know. I acknowledge that each one of us may become more vulnerable in an instant.
I pray for connection and for all of us to practice forgiveness and kindness and for the strength to get through each day, each hour, each moment as best we can.