To be inserted after the Sh’moneh Esrai and before “May The One Who Makes Peace.”
I thank the Lord with all my heart that I have carried the full nine months and that up to now He has spared me from all afflictions that could harm a pregnant woman and her child. Surely God’s tenderness is unending. Again, I seek His kindness so He will be with me and support me when my child is pressing to be born, and so that He will give me strength to bring forth my child. Please, God, sustain me and I will be saved. Keep me from distress, allowing my child to emerge from me full of life and vigor. May neither he nor any part of his body suffer harm or disfigurement or loss or accident or pain or harm, or disease or illness. Fill my breasts with milk enough to nurse him, and be gracious unto me so that I may be able to raise him to fear You and to do Your holy work. Send with him blessings, abundance, and success so that he may grow to be a prosperous man. For him, may my husband’s estate also prosper. May the wisdom of Torah abound in our community. Give us length of days, years of life that are full of love, peace, and happiness, so we may be able to love You. Spare us from the Evil Eye, from demons and from devilish spirits, from all sorrow and sadness. For You, God, are our protector and savior, now and forevermore. Listen, O Lord, I am calling to You. Be gracious unto me and answer me. Hear me, be gracious unto me, be my protector. God, listen to my plea. God, accept my prayer. Do this for Your name’s sake of Your Torah, for the sake of Your holiness. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable unto You.
From Out of the Depths I Call to You: A Book of Prayers for the Married Jewish Woman, ed. and trans. Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin. Copyright 1995, 1992 by Nina Beth Cardin. Reprinted by permission of Jason Aronson Inc.