Parashat Emor Meditation

A guided meditation inspired by the Torah portion

“When did the word ‘love’
become a trigger?”
Repair (Tikkun)

“What is a painter? / A witness
(often flawed) who tries to repair /
a shadow, the angle of a shoulder?”
Beloved Zion

“The ones who say Zionism is a dirty word, / The ones who choose death on your account, / They only see the ‘ism.'”
Across Generations (for Yom Hasho’ah)

“Later, alone, she taught herself the art / of painting flower portraits. I learned that part…”
Prayer Disguised As A Question

“Please one who receives, crack me open so all I do is open…”
Modern Interactive Hadvalah Ceremony

Rabbi Jill Hausman shares a contemporary havdalah ceremony.
Counting the Omer (Taylor’s Version): Week Two

Each week of the Omer 5784 we’ll include LilyFish Gomberg’s weekly guide to Counting the Omer (Taylor’s version).
Acheinu Prayer

“May the Holy Oneness hold us in the Light / so we may gaze upon the Sacred in each other’s eyes.”
A Blessing Before Posting on Social Media

“May I be
humbled to not to feel as though I have
any true power to create meaningful,
lasting change from my squares
of influence…”