For Stillbirth and Infant Loss: Baby Naming and Goodbye Ritual

This powerful ritual is designed for parents who have faced infant loss.
Stonewall Avot v’Imahot

This prayer/blessing was written in 2020 for the 50th anniversary of Christopher Street Liberation Day, what we now collectively call Pride.
Job’s Fire – A Ratzo V’shov Meditation

“But still, the waves murmur your name…”
Egalitarian Bedeken

In an egalitarian bedeken, the bride and groom are separated from one another by a Tallit. [They are seated facing away from one another. Parents extend the tallit perpendicularly. […]
Ritual(s) for Encountering Roadkill

This new ritual honors the sacred life of animals.

“Listen to the still small voice whispering your name…”
Counting the Omer (Taylor’s Version): Week Three

Each week of the Omer 5784 we’ll include LilyFish Gomberg’s weekly guide to Counting the Omer (Taylor’s version).
The Order of Things

“What about welcoming the / stranger, I whisper…”
Counting to Shavuot

“And everyone has a Sea of Reeds to cross, / Everyone has a story…”

“And I wish / The fields of Israel’s kalaniot — red poppies — / Were all that were needed to generate peace”