My Mikveh is Gone

“My mikveh is gone and swallowed up in this dark place. Where can I find peace?”
Threefold Benediction on the Occasion of a Bar/Bat/B*Mitzvah

An interpretive version of the Threefold Benediction.
Prayer for a BIPOC Festival

We, human beings, share in the diversity of this garden we call home. And we are all blessed and strengthened by it.
Zikhron T’ruah: A Ritual for Reaching or Passing the Age of Someone Who Died

This ritual is an opportunity for someone to meaningfully mark a threshold when they reach or pass the age at which someone who was important in their life died.
Strange Fire

“When my cold dead hand brushed against Aaron’s collar,/his soul purred with a satisfied hymn of approval…”

What was the artist’s aim? /
To say … Here I am

“Birth canal of sound / Twisting and spiraling through time and space…”
From Chesed to Gevurah

The rough seas of our time The turbulence that heaven brings These are the storms before the calm As the light of the I, so long in wait becomes […]
Unetaneh Tokef Upended

Dedicated to Linda Hirschhorn and inspired by her sermon on Unetaneh Tokef 5765
Tefilat Haderekh, A Prayer for the Journey

Every journey in life leads into the unknown.