Positive Confession (Vidui)
Confession of positive behaviors
For a Morning during Mourning: Prayer for Global Justice in a World of Injustice
“It is Morning somewhere”
The Mindfulness of Fasting
“We take for granted that we have food to eat”
Upsherin: His and Hers
Ritual haircutting ceremony for children
A Tekhine for Before a Mastectomy
“I thank you for containing my cancer, not letting it spread beyond your confines”
Meal of Freedom
A liberal Pesakh haggadahLit. "Telling.” The haggadah is the book used at the seder table on Passover to tell the story of the Exodus, the central commandment of the holiday. It is rich in song, prayer, and legend. There are many different version of the Haggadah produced throughout Jewish history.
Visiting the King During a Plague
“ShekhinahThe feminine name of God, expounded upon in the rabbinic era and then by the Kabbalists in extensive literature on the feminine attributes of the divine., our Mother, would understand”
New Simanim for a New Year (5781)
Tofu, ice cream, beer, and liquor are new symbolic foods that reference this past year
Wildly Unimaginable Blessings: A Prayer for 5781
“Blessings so beyond our hopes for this world”
I Can’t Breathe / We Can’t Breathe / Earth Can’t Breathe
“All life on Earth depends on Interbreathing”