During a session of our Jerusalem Women’s Group, we brainstormed how we might create new rituals for Jewish women. As we explored Jewish life, and defined new/old traditions for the egalitarian era, we noticed a fearing absence of observance for this milestone in a young woman’s life, therefore we suggest some of the following:
I. Create a setting.
- A retreat/slumber party for women only
- An evening event including women of the family or close friends
- After the cycle to the mikvah
- Wait for Full/New moon
II. Allow mother and daughter to be alone to reflect.
III. Ideas for gifts and teachings
- Take on a new responsibility
- Share stories of menstruation
- Book and teaching BC/Basal method — thermometer
- Respect her body
- Give thanks for the gift of life
- Read Sara’s story of getting her period to give birth to Isaac
- Cramp exercises
- Modesty
- Tumah/tahara — Rachel Adler
- Girl takes on new responsibility of being Jewish and fertile person
- Give girl a new name
- Have women present and give girl blessing/s
- Massaging
- Book menstruation anthology (to include above)
- Mikvah
IV Communal Meal:
sprouts for life, fruit cake, salads, figs, pomegranate, honey cake, moon cake
V. Ideas for gifts:
- Plant a tree in girl’s name – Hadas [myrtle] or fruit
- Moon jewelry or women’s symbol
- Red underwear
- Thermometer
- Pearls
- Embroidery
- Roses-red
- Herbs
VI. Ceremony
- Songs, Dancing
- Kiddush
- D’var Menstruation
- Prayer
- Meal
- Blessing
- Planting