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Mother’s Prayer

red haired teenaged girl facing the ocean
My Daughter As you travel along the path that will be your life, may you walk on firm ground, with the wind at your back and the sun shining gently on your face.

May your mind, body and hands be strong, and may their work be guided by both the wisdom of your soul and the compassion of your heart.

May you draw from the strength and wisdom of our tradition, and those who came before you, and make them your own.

May you have beautiful dreams which inspire you, and may your pursuit of those dreams be fulfilling.

May your successes be many, and when you don’t succeed, may you learn and grow from the experience, and go on.

May you always give yourself the gift of learning something new.

May you have the courage of conviction and patience to fight for what you know to be right.

May you laugh….often.

May you always go to sleep at night with that feeling of satisfaction that comes from a day well lived.

May you always have peace in your home and in your heart.

May you know unbridled joy, and may your sorrows be few and far between.

May you find true, enduring love, and may you be blessed with children as wonderful as you.

May you always have good friends.

May you always feel the love of family and friends that embraces you today.

As you take your place among the Jewish women of your generation,
May G-d grant you a long, healthy, happy, and peaceful life, and may G-d help you to be the change you want to see in the world.

Know that I love you…and that wherever life takes you, I’m always here for you.

Modah ani lefaneha meleh hay vekayam she’asanee eemech. 

I give thanks before you, sovereign who lives and who endures, for making me your mother.

Used by permission of author


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