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Meditation on Birth

woman holding newborn baby

Blessed is the One who has allowed me to participate in the miracle of creation.
Blessed is the One who has fashioned the human body in wisdom and exquisite tenderness.
Blessed is the One who connects the generations through the covenant of birth.

Thank you for this child, a precious emergence of Divine light.
As you protected her/him during her/his birth,
May s/he be protected through all of life’s many passages.
And may all the gentle hands that touched me as I labored know the blessing of their work.
As my body was blessed with a profound experience of the Creator on that day
May I always remember myself so:
A being in which miracles are daily made
a vessel that nourishes holiness
and offers it to the world.

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melech ha-olam, ha-tov v’ha-meitiv.
Blessed is the Creator, Who is good and does good.


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