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Humanistic Havdalah

A person smiling and holding a metal dreidel.

The candle is lit


Behold, we are each our redeemers, we will trust each other and not be afraid, for our strength, our faith and our songs will be our redemption. We will draw water joyously from the wellsprings of hope. Love is our birth right; may this blessing rest upon our people and upon all peoples. Happy are the people who love one another. May love redeem us! May we answer each other on the day we are called to stand together. The Jews have light, happiness, joy and honor; may all have the same light. I will raise the cup of redemption and call out in the name of humanity.

The cup of wine is raised but not sipped


Barukh ha-or ba-adam, Barukh ha-or ba-olam, Borei p’ri hagafen, Borei p’ri hagafen

Blessed is the light in humanity, blessed is the light in the world, that brings for fruit from the vine.

The spices are raised, incense lit, or herbs raised


Barukh ha-or ba-olam, Barukh ha-or b’chayim, Borei m’nei v’samim, Borei m’nei v’samim

Blessed is the light in the world, blessed is the light of life, which brings forth varieties of spices

The spices, herbs or incense are passed around

Raise the havdalah candle


Barukh ha-or ba-adam, Barukh ha-or ba-olam, Borei m’orei ha’eish, Borei m’orei ha’eish

Blessed is the light in humanity, blessed is the light in the world, that creates the light of the fire

The candle is held up in the air and those present look at the reflection of the light on their fingernails


Barukh ha-or ba-adam, Barukh ha-or ba-olam, hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol, bein or l’choshekh, bein Yisrael l’amim, bein yom hashvi’i l’sheshet y’mei hama’aseh, Barukh ha-or ba-adam, hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol. Barukh ha-or ba-adam, hamavdil bein tov l’ra, bein tzedek l’khoser tzedek, bein sin’ah l’ahavah, barukha havdalah bein kodesh l’khol. 

Blessed is the light in humanity, Blessed is the light in the world, which distinguishes between the sacred and the secular, between light and dark, between Israel and the nations, between the seventh day and the six days of labor. Blessed is the light in humanity, which distinguishes between right and wrong, between justice and injustice, between hatred and love. Blessed is the distinction between the sacred and the secular.

Sip the wine

Extinguish the candle in the remaining wine


Eliahu, Eliahu, Eliahu, bimheira v’yameinu yavo eleinu, b’yamot hamashiach. 

Miriam, Miriam, Miriam, oz v’zimra b’yadah, bimheira v’yameinu, tirkod itanu l’taken et ha-olam. 


Elijah, Elijah, Elijah, come heralding the Messianic Age, soon and in our days!

Miriam, Miriam, Miriam, strength and song in her hand, will dance with us to repair the world. Soon, and in our days!



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