The rough seas of our time
The turbulence that heaven brings
These are the storms before the calm
As the light of the I, so long in wait becomes evident
The tears of rain will come to bring the Infinite Light into being
The turbulence that heaven brings
These are the storms before the calm
As the light of the I, so long in wait becomes evident
The tears of rain will come to bring the Infinite Light into being
To quiet the Heavens
To calm the seas
Now is the time to go within,
To know why you came
To remember who you are
To calm the seas
Now is the time to go within,
To know why you came
To remember who you are
Go where you are called,
Take the steps to
Pray, sing, laugh,
Mourn, heal, love…
To find the joy and act
Take the steps to
Pray, sing, laugh,
Mourn, heal, love…
To find the joy and act
From Chesed to Gevurah –
May they come together,
Blending into Tiferet,
So we all may live
In the Beauty and Light Of Hashem