Creator of the universe,
We give thanks for the Goldilocks world you created for us,
A Mother Earth of soaring peaks, thirsty deserts, and nurturing oceans
of cornflower blue skies and thunderous clouds,
and whispering breezes and blustering winds.
A world filled with animals large and small
graceful and ferocious
beautiful and invisible.
Nourished and nurtured by soaring woods and plains of grasses and grains
all dependent on  clear, life-sustaining waters.
But we have forgotten your charge to protect Mother Earth
and have lost sight of our connection to her spirit
while driving countless species to extinction.
Oh, Creator,
help us regain our connection to this world
to all life whether two-legged or more, winged, finned, or rooted,
and to the air, rivers, lakes, oceans, mountains, and forests.
Remind us that this world is on loan to us by future generations,
give us the strength and wisdom to repair what we have spoiled or destroyed,
and the humility to understand that we of this Earth are all truly related.