A song I wrote after my wife and I realized we could not become parents, through medical means or adoption.
Daughter of Mine
Like Hannah, leaning at the wall
Lips move, no sound comes at all
People passing think I’m drunk, or just a basket case
A million babies in the world,
Can’t You save me just one?
I’m waiting for you to show me some of Your storied grace
Daughter of mine, I would rock you to sleep
And sing you songs to keep your dreaming only sweet
Daughter of mine, I would hold your hand
While you learned to stand upon your own two feet
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d love you and I’d keep you safe for as long as I could
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d hold you here within my heart until the end of time
Daughter of mine, I would wipe away your tears
When your first kiss walked out the door and took your heart along
Daughter of mine, I would help you face your fears,
Show you where to find some courage, teach you how to be strong
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d love you and I’d keep you safe for as long as I could
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d hold you here within my heart until the end of time
Many days I prayed that you might come my way
And many nights I’d fall asleep on a pillow wet with tears
But with each passing year, the truth became more clear
Because sometimes silence is the only answer
Daughter of mine, you were not meant to be
Life has given me another task, and places I must see
Daughter of mine, I must say goodnight for now
And hope you’ll hear sweet lullabies in another’s arms somehow
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d love you and I’d keep you safe for as long as I could
Oh, daughter of mine, if you were only mine
I’d hold you here within my heart until the end of time
Copyright Dec. 2013, Beth Hamon