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Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parental Blessing

mother and teen hug facing the water on the beach

Explore and embrace who you are. May you find the balance between standing apart and being in connection with others. We hope that you will be blessed to find meaningful, fulfilling work, just as Abba and I have. Know that you have the ability to make a significant, positive impact on this earth.

Continue to be kind and inclusive. Do not let the thoughtless, the insensitive, the excluders bring you down. Know that every person has worth and treat them l’khaf zkhut—give them the benefit of the doubt, for you never know what a person carries inside.

We hope you will embrace the gift of the pause, the breath, the awareness of the moment. May you find a wellspring of peace within, returning again and again to sustaining calm and centeredness.

We hope that you can forgive your parents our imperfections. As we strive to be better people and parents, know that our love for you is fierce and constant and boundless.

Look around this sanctuary, absorbing the love and support of family and friends. May you always find sustenance, joy, motivation, and comfort in our rich tradition and in community.

[Recite the Priestly Benediction in Hebrew]


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