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Abraham’s Wisdom

ram on mountain in silhouette

Yes, Abraham almost did it.

He almost sacrificed his son for the sake of his God.

He came so close.

But he didn’t.

In the end, he looked around

and found a way not to have to do it.

He found the ram in the thicket

and knew that it would do as well.

No! It was by far the better choice.

And we, who have revered or criticized Abraham’s blind faith

for 3,800 years,

will we, in the end, be as careful as he?

Will we look in every bush and tree

for the ram

that will save us from sending our sons up the mountain

with the firebrands of their own destruction strapped to their backs?

While you prepare to sally forth,

carried by what feels like a holy wind at your back,

I will not turn my ear to that god,

but frantically will I search

in the thorny, tangled brush:

“Oh, ram, please show yourself,

before it is too late!”


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