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A Prayer for a Mass Shooting, Before You Know What is Going On

a woman in a ponytail silhouetted against a white wall

God, I believe that there have been moments when our ancestors came to you for courage, wisdom, fortitude, stamina, comfort, and grace. And, I believe that coming to you did them some good.

I believe that our ancestors came to you for miracles. I’m not a poet or a psalmist, God. I’m not a mystic, and I don’t really understand your world. I don’t know about miracles. I feel my limitations very acutely right now.

I don’t know if it’s your power, God, but if the shooting is still happening, please do what you can to make it stop. For the hearts that are still beating right now, please slow down the bleeding. Grant your children who most need it the moments for help to arrive.

Please grant courage to the people who signed on knowing they may confront mass shootings and terror.

Please grant courage for the people who never signed on to confront terror and are confronting it anyway.

When the time comes, grant us wisdom, fortitude and stamina. All of us will need wisdom, fortitude and stamina to heal the broken world.

For today, grant comfort to everyone who feels the pain of this moment, whether nearby or far away.

And, God, when my children leave the dark, silent corner furthest away from the door, grant them the grace to see the good in the world.

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Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

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