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Disability Wisdom and Knowing Ourselves Whole

Facilitator: Rabbi Julia Watts Belser

Program Type: Free

Topic: accessibility, disability, inclusion, JDAIM


In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month and our ongoing commitment to disability inclusion and advocacy, Rabbi Julia will lead us in interactive text study with a spiritual focus.


Choosing Joy: The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman

Facilitator: Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: chasidism, joy, Spiritual practice, spirituality


Learn about the psychological insights, poetic beauty and spiritual power of Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have touched many seekers.


God Cafe: The Immersion

Facilitator: Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Spiritual practice


Who is God? What do we talk about when we talk about God? For six weeks, we will discuss God/divinity as a concept, exploring what God means to each of us and learn about the variety of approaches to God in Jewish tradition.


Choosing Joy: The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman

Facilitator: Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: chasidism, joy, Spiritual practice, spirituality


Learn about the psychological insights, poetic beauty and spiritual power of Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have touched many seekers.


God Cafe: The Immersion

Facilitator: Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Spiritual practice


Who is God? What do we talk about when we talk about God? For six weeks, we will discuss God/divinity as a concept, exploring what God means to each of us and learn about the variety of approaches to God in Jewish tradition.


Jewish Coming-of-Age Stories: Writing the Younger You

Facilitator: Lynn Levin

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Memoir, Poetry


Each of us has rich coming-of-age experiences waiting to be expressed. Tell the story of the younger you in poetry and micro-memoir.


Finding Our Place in the Stories of the Hebrew Matriarch: Sarah

Facilitator: Tzivia Gover

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: creative writing, dreams, Poetry, spirituality


Reclaim the stories of Sarah and the Hebrew matriarchs through poetic writing—and access the gifts of wisdom, healing, and joy that are our universal birthright.
