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Choosing Joy: The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman

Facilitator: Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: chasidism, joy, Spiritual practice, spirituality


Learn about the psychological insights, poetic beauty and spiritual power of Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have touched many seekers.


God Cafe: The Immersion

Facilitator: Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Spiritual practice


Who is God? What do we talk about when we talk about God? For six weeks, we will discuss God/divinity as a concept, exploring what God means to each of us and learn about the variety of approaches to God in Jewish tradition.


Disability Wisdom and Knowing Ourselves Whole

Facilitator: Rabbi Julia Watts Belser

Program Type: Free

Topic: accessibility, disability, inclusion, JDAIM


In recognition of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month and our ongoing commitment to disability inclusion and advocacy, Rabbi Julia will lead us in interactive text study with a spiritual focus.


Choosing Joy: The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman

Facilitator: Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: chasidism, joy, Spiritual practice, spirituality


Learn about the psychological insights, poetic beauty and spiritual power of Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have touched many seekers.


God Cafe: The Immersion

Facilitator: Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Spiritual practice


Who is God? What do we talk about when we talk about God? For six weeks, we will discuss God/divinity as a concept, exploring what God means to each of us and learn about the variety of approaches to God in Jewish tradition.


Choosing Joy: The Teachings of Rebbe Nachman

Facilitator: Daniel Raphael Silverstein

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: chasidism, joy, Spiritual practice, spirituality


Learn about the psychological insights, poetic beauty and spiritual power of Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have touched many seekers.


God Cafe: The Immersion

Facilitator: Rabbi Sarah Brammer-Shlay

Program Type: Immersions

Topic: Spiritual practice


Who is God? What do we talk about when we talk about God? For six weeks, we will discuss God/divinity as a concept, exploring what God means to each of us and learn about the variety of approaches to God in Jewish tradition.


The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Now more than ever, we need the guidance of our ancestors, and creative expression provides a wonderful path for connection.

Express your love and gratitude for those who have profoundly shaped your journey and  summon their wisdom into your own life.

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The Reconstructionist Network