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Voices of Disability

February 28

Hands reading Braille on an open book.
Voices of Disability is a special new collection of curated poetry, prayers and teachings about disability from Ritualwell contributors.  This printable PDF will be sent to you electronically and can be accessed online.

When you purchase this new collection, you will also receive a recording of our ‘Writing Disability Torah’ event.

In the event, we explore the wisdom found in Disability Torah and how we can connect our personal experiences to these texts. In the recording, you’ll be guided in a text study followed by a creative writing exercise to help you begin crafting your own piece of Disability Torah.

This conversation was led by Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer from Ritualwell and Rabbi Ash Sofman from Thriving Communities at Reconstructing Judaism with RRC rabbinical students Mat Wilson and Rakhel Silverman-Gitin. Mat and Rakhel have both received Auerbach Ignition grants to support their initiatives in this area.

Logo of Reconstructing Judaism with green leaves and text: Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.
Gabrielle is a white-skinned womanwith long brown hair. She wars a black tshirt, sunglasses and a gold necklace. She sits in front of green trees and grass.Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer is Ritualwell’s Director of Virtual Content and Programs. She writes frequently about disability, spirituality and creativity and edits the Jewish Disability Inclusion News. Previously she directed Whole Community Inclusion, working to make the Philadelphia Jewish community more accessible. Her book The Little Gate-Crasher was selected as a Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month book selection.
Smiling person with glasses in a blue floral top, standing in front of a blurred green background.Rakhel Silverman-Gitin is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College whose Auerbach Ignition grantt aims to educate and engage the community of Or Haneshamah, Ottawa’s Reconstructionist Congregation, on disability justice, and place it in conversation with the tradition of Shabbat. Instead of being focused on how to address the “issue” of disability within Judaism (i.e. what Jewish text thinks of disability), this project is focused on what Jews can learn from the wisdom of the disability community regarding rest and joy, and how to apply these teachings to deepen personal and communal Shabbat practices.
A smiling person with short hair, wearing glasses and a gray argyle sweater, stands outdoors with trees in the background.Rabbi Asher Sofman is Reconstructing Judaism’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Program Coordinator who  has curated Disability and Accessibility resources for the movement. Ash studied creative writing and world literature at Brown University, earning a B.A. with honors in Literary Arts and is a 2023 graduate of RRC. He has served as an associate chaplain at continuing-care retirement communities in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Person wearing glasses and a cap, sitting on a bench outdoors, surrounded by greenery.
Mat Wilson (they/them) enjoys board and video games, road trips big and small, and any opportunity to be in the water. They discovered a love for Torah study through the art of source sheet creation and are currently expanding their written reflections through the Disability Torah Project. Outside of their free time, Mat is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and is pursuing a Master’s in Nonprofit Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania.



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