Wednesday, April 10, 2024
12-1:30 p.m. EDT
“But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, that I may multiply My signs and marvels in the land of Egypt” –Exodus 7:3
It is now known that trauma is stored in the body and that the heart, in particular holds onto grief, sadness, shame and ancestral loss. No other biblical story focuses more on the heart than the provocative story of Va’eira when Pharoah’s heart is hardened against the plight of the Jewish people as we suffer and fight for freedom from slavery. Poet, performer, and holistic health coach Corie Feiner will lead a discussion on this parsha, our relationship to our own hearts, and introduce a guided poetry writing exercise where we will write the stories of our hearts and make our way from a narrow place of anxiety and pain towards inner and outer liberation. Included in this workshop will be breathwork, movement, and supplemental text from the poet, Dorriane Laux. Seasoned writers and those new to writing are welcome to join.
The session will be recorded and sent to participants. We encourage live attendance for you to get the most out of the experience.

Corie Feiner is the Poet Laureate Emeritus of Bucks County, PA and an award-winning poet, performer and educator called “wonderful” by The New York Times and “absorbing” by Backstage Magazine. She is the author of the poetry book, Radishes into Roses and the children’s book Who Was Born at Home. Dedicated to embodied Judaism, she has been commissioned to perform her inspiring
Jewish poetry and psalms for synagogues and peace organizations across the world. For the past ten years she has been a dedicated homebirthing, homeschooling, cook from scratch tiger mama, whose latest project, A Poem for Every Pose arose out of her at-home yoga practice and her belief that inner strength and inner peace are essential for creating a more peaceful world. You can learn more about Corie and and her current projects by subscribing to her Substack at: