Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Come together with the Ritualwell community on September 11 for a special hour dedicated to the Jewish values connected to pursuing justice.
We will begin with an opportunity to recognize and mourn those whose lives were lost on September 11, 2001. Then we will learn with Rabbi Mike Pollack, the Executive Director of
March On Harrisburg, an organization dedicated to fighting for democracy. Rabbi Pollack will share Jewish texts that reinforce our commitment to pursuing justice and guide us in discussion and reflection.
We’ll close with a creative prompt to inspire you to craft an original poem or prayer reflecting on your intentions for the upcoming election season.
Registration for this event includes a special Resilience Boost package of curated resources of poetry and prayers to help keep your energy going strong through election season and (optional) weekly meditations for hope and equanimity arriving to you by text or email each Tuesday through the election. The printable PDF of resources will be sent to you electronically on 9/10.
This session will be recorded and sent to participants. We encourage live attendance for you to get the most out of the experience.
Rabbi Michael Pollack grew up in Rockville, Maryland. During his last year of rabbinical school at RRC, he co-founded March On Harrisburg, a group dedicated to making corruption illegal and taking our democracy where it’s never been before by passing anti-corruption, pro-democracy bills in Pennsylvania. Michael is also a statewide tri-chair of the PA Poor People’s Campaign. He lives in Cheltenham, and his hobbies include convincing politicians to not be corrupt, long marches through the Pennsylvania countryside, and sitting down in inconvenient places in the State Capitol.