ADVOT@Ritualwell Open House

hands typing on a keyboard. A vase with tulips sits next to the writer.

Join us for an open house to learn about ADVOT@Ritualwell, a creative home for poets, liturgists, ritual creators, songwriters, and other Jewish artists.

The Poetry of Your Ancestors

a person's hands going through a family album of old photos

Prepare for the High Holy Days with poet Anna Goodman Herrick to investigate, conjure, and generate new poetry from our ancestral wisdom and Jewish sacred texts.

Behind the Mask: A Creative Exploration of the Characters in the Purim Story

a row of people wearing festive masks

Gain inspiration from texts by Patricia Smith, Margaret Atwood, and others to inspire us to move beyond writing from the personal “I” and see what we can discover about the Purim stories and their meaning for our own lives when we put on the mask and write.