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Jewish Lifecycles Animated

Ritualwell is excited to partner with G-dcast on their new Lifecycle Series: a collection of animated shorts and personal stories about milestones in the Jewish tradition. From giving birth, to naming a child, from designing a chuppah to smashing a glass to helping a friend through shiva and mourning, some Jewish lifecycle rituals have been around thousands of years. Others, like simchat bat, are more recent expressions. The short animations in the Jewish lifecycles collection touch on these topics and more. G-dcast explains these rituals in its signature engaging style—with clarity, a touch of humor and inclusive representations.

The first video in the Lifecycle series focuses on traditions around choosing a name for a new baby. Expectant parents can spend what seems like years deciding what to name their child and others can figure it out in just a few minutes. Judaism has a range of traditions about where to pull names from, and the importance of choosing the right one. Check out G-dcast’s new animated video “Traditions of a Jewish Baby Naming” to learn more. And be sure to check out the links at the end of the video for even more helpful information from Ritualwell and the other partner organizations,,, and

Check out all the great videos in G-dcast’s Lifecycle Series! is a San Francisco–based nonprofit that makes Jewish text come alive through animated short films, apps and tools for guided conversations. The organization is dedicated to helping make Jewish literacy attainable for as many people as possible by seamlessly combining timeless storytelling techniques with 21st century learning tools. To learn more about G-dcast, visit

The Lifecycles Project was made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of their Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood.

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