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Category: Counting the Omer

Grieving through the Omer
By Kami Knapp
April 21, 2017
What do we do when our Jewish practices are painful, when instead of anticipation and joy one is filled with hesitancy and dread?
The Long Road Ahead: Omer 10
By Alden Solovy
April 20, 2017
I’ve seen it happen to hikers on the trail: in the Grand Canyon, on Mount Rainier, on Mount Shasta. The length and weight of the trail can simply crush the will out of an otherwise capable hiker. Then, self-judgment finishes them off.
How to Design an Artistic Omer Counting Practice
By D'vorah Horn
March 27, 2017
The most important aspect of engaging in an expressive practice for the Omer counting period is to give yourself as much compassion (hesed) as possible.
Counting the Omer: An Artistic Practice
By D'vorah Horn
June 8, 2016
For seven consecutive years I have created a painting based upon a practice known as “Counting the Omer.”  
Iyar is the Month of Healing: On Creating a Jewish Healing Circle
By Sue Gurland
April 20, 2015
In Kabbalah, the current month on the Hebrew calendar, Iyar, is the month of healing. Its spelling—aleph, yud, yud, resh—corresponds to the first letters of the words “Ani Yud-Yud Rofecha,” “I am G-d your Healer.” As I prepare for the Jewish Healing Circle I lead each month at my synagogue, I am struck by what a powerful healing tool it has become.
Revelation Where You Least Expect It: Kabbalah Meets T'ai Chi
By Sue Gurland
April 13, 2015
I felt totally in my body, my mind quiet, connected to the tree, nature, and the Oneness of the Universe. I felt rooted between Heaven and Earth.
Farm to Freezer
By Rabbi Roni Handler
May 15, 2014
As we count our days, weeks, and months, we are reminded that in every moment we have the potential to recreate ourselves and the world around us.   
True Confessions of an Omer Walker
May 25, 2012
I pray that I continue to remember to prioritize both my spiritual and physical sustenance each and every day, even if only for the amount of time that it takes to recite a simple blessing. 
May 14, 2012
I think of the Omer—this period of time we are now in the midst of—as learning to count, learning to wait.
Walking the Omer
April 19, 2012
This practice of counting, of singling out each day, also serves as a reminder to make each and every day count.

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Come together with the Ritualwell community on September 11th for a special hour dedicated to the Jewish values connected to pursuing justice. Registration for this event includes a special Resilience Boost package of curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support through election season 

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