We welcome your submissions for a virtual “assembly” of voices that weave in Jewish teachings, rituals, and prayers in response to climate change
Ritualwell is a living archive of Jewish rituals that draw on both tradition and the contemporary world. The majority of the work published here is user-generated, reflecting the creative and evolving practices of our diverse Jewish community. We welcome year-round submissions of rituals, prayers, poems, audio/video, and blog posts on an array of topics relevant to contemporary Jewish life.
This season, we are specifically looking for submissions that connect Jewish practice with responses to climate change. The Shalom Center’s “Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis” calls us, at the conclusion of the current Shmitah year this Rosh Hashanah, to recommit ourselves to taking action to fight climate change. The letter notes: “As we live through this Shmittah Year, we are especially aware that Torah calls for Hak’heyl—assembling the whole community of the People Israel during the Sukkot after the Shmittah year, to hear and recommit ourselves to the Torah’s central teachings.
So we encourage Jews in all our communities to gather on the Sunday of Sukkot this year, October 4, 2015, to explore together our responsibilities toward the Earth and all humankind, in this generation.”
Inspired by this call, we at Ritualwell want to create a virtual “assembly” of voices that weave in Jewish teachings, rituals, and prayers in response to climate change. Submissions may be rituals, prayers, poems, songs, audio/video, or blog posts. Please only submit work that you have permission to publish (i.e., if the work is written by someone else, you need to get their permission to submit it.) We will publish these pieces in advance of October 4th so that we can be a resource as we work toward protecting the Earth and all of its inhabitants. On Friday, October 2nd, at 1pm EST, we will host a Twitter chat on this topic @Ritualwell.
For inspiration on what to submit, see the Climate Ribbon ritual we recently republished.
Please submit at the following link. While submissions to our site are accepted year-round, the current call for submissions is more time sensitive. We encourage submissions sent before Rosh Hashanah, and will continue to consider those sent after.
We look forward to reviewing your work!