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Retired aerospace engineer. Currently acting as Environmental Advocate at Congregation Shir Shalom in Buffalo. Sponsored and organized four Earth Day events (one at another temple). Also writing a monthly environmental column in our newsletter. Our treatment of the Earth is a moral calamity. I can’t help thinking about Kohlelet Rabbath 7:13: when God was showing Adam his creation he said, “See My creations, how beautiful and exemplary they are. Everything I created, I created for you. Make certain that you do not ruin and destroy My world, as if you destroy it, there will be no one to mend it after you.” The Lakota Sioux have a saying: Mitákuye Oyáa’sin. It has a combined meaning of “we are all related” and “all is connected.” They’re referring to all parts of the Earth, not just life. Appeals to me because of my systems background.

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