Search Results for: abortion

Abortion Ritual

A ceremony that a woman who has had an abortion can perform with a group of women. This ceremony uses the symbols of tashlich (casting out) and mikveh; the woman mourns the loss, renews herself, and attempts to bring closure to the abortion.

Ritual for Abortion

Bringing a sense of kedushah to the abortion operating table

After Roe: A Havdalah Ritual for Losing Abortion Access

Ritual to acknowledge loss of abortion access

Act of Dedication After a Therapeutic Abortion

A ceremony that a pregnant woman or couple can perform with a close group of friends or family after the decision to have a therapeutic abortion has been made

Abortion Access Al Cheit

An original Al cheit prayer focused on reproductive rights

“Carillon (We Won’t Go Back)”: An Anthem for Reproductive Freedom

Listen to this powerful song for reproductive freedom

Confessional to the Women We’ve Failed

"For all of our failures to protect you, our daughters, mothers, partners and friends"

Sounding the Shofar in a Post-Roe World

"Pay attention. This is not a test."

Tekhine for Planned Parenthood

A prayer for all of us who seek care and provide services at Planned Parenthood

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion

Join us for Count On Telling Your Story: A Ritualwell In-Person Immersion on Sunday, June 9th. Mix and mingle with old and new friends, enjoy delicious kosher-vegetarian food and engage in a variety of creative, thought-provoking sessions exploring rituals, writing, and art.

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The Reconstructionist Network