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We Immerse in the Waters of Eden

U-sh’avtem mayim b’sasson mimay’nei ha-y’shuah.

“Joyfully shall you draw water from the fountains redemption ” (Isaiah 12:3).

Water is God’s Life-force. Water is God’s gift to us.
Water cleanses, washing away old and misguided paths,
bringing us new beginnings.
May we enter these waters to cleanse the past and walk new paths together.
May we embark on this journey immersing ourselves as in the waters of Eden.

May the Spirit that we call God sustain us.
And may our deep love be renewed by these welcoming waters.

Water brings birth.

As a people, we were birthed into freedom out of mitzrayim, the narrow straits.
As friends and lovers, we were birthed in freedom into the blessing of our partnership.
May we rejoice in this new birth and delight in each day of our free, new lives.

Water awakens and clarifies.

May we be awakened and re-awakened to the love we share and may our vision of that love ever remain clear.

Water refreshes and invigorates, quenching thirst.

The sacred bond that we share has refreshed us, and invigorated us.
When we found each other, our thirst for passionate and nurturing love was quenched. May we never again be thirsty.

Water feeds and sustains growth.

May we be fed and sustained, as we nourish our individual selves, as we rejoice in our growing together. May we never again be hungry.

Water brings tears.

May we cherish the blessing of tears.

Water mirrors and reflects.

May we help each other mirror and reflect the best that is in us.
And may we help each other to perceive truth when truth is most needed.

Rippling waters sing.

May the waters’ song reflect our own songs of Life, ever emerging within and between us in harmony.

Water always returns to its Source.

May we always return to our Source — the One who has created us, and who has brought us this cherished love.



It has been said that “you can never step into the same river; for new waters are always flowing on to you.”

May new and renewing waters ever flow on to us — as Life challenges us, as our dedication to one another strengthens us.

It has been said that ““Water . . . has no direction but its own bright grace, and runs through all imaginable colors, teaching limpid lessons. . . ”

May these waters grace us with all of Life’s imaginable colors.
May they with gentleness, teaching us deep lessons.
And may our future be as bright as the world’s first rainbow.

(first partner enters the mikveh)

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Ruach ha-Chayim, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al ha-t’vilah.

Let us bless the Source of All, Living Spirit of the world, who has sanctified us with mitzvot and has led us to immersion.

First Immersion

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Ruach ha-Chayim, Sheh-hechiyanu, v’kiyemanu, v’higi’anu la-z’man ha-zeh!

Let us bless the Source of All, Living Spirit of the world, who has given us life, and sustained us in life, And enable to reach this joyous moment!

Second and Third Immersions

Second Partner Enters the Mikveh

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Ruach ha-Chayim, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al ha-t’vilah.

Let us bless the Source of All, Living Spirit of the world, who has sanctified us with mitzvot and has led us to immersion.

(first immersion)

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Ruach ha-Chayim, Sheh-hechiyanu, v’kiyemanu, v’higi’anu la-z’man ha-zeh!

Let us bless the Source of All, Living Spirit of the world, who has given us life, and sustained us in life, And enable to reach this joyous moment!

Second and Third Immersions

Used by permission of the author


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