Be with me, Yah, be with me. (x2)
While I’m on this freedom journey, be with me
Got my hands up (x2), be with me
While I’m on this freedom journey, got my hands up, be with me
I can’t breathe y’all, be with me (x2)
While I’m on this freedom journey, when I can’t breathe y’all, be with me
Say her name y’all, be with me (x2)
While I’m on this freedom journey, saying her name y’all, be with me (x4)
While I’m on this freedom journey, got my hands up, and I can’t breathe y’all, and saying her name y’all
Oh, be with me.
Koach Baruch (KB) Frazier is a transformer, heartbeat of movements, healer, musician and co-founder of the Tzedek Lab, a network of practitioners working at the intersection of dismantling racism, antisemitism and white supremacy. A collaborative leader, rooted in tradition, curiosity and love, Koach strives to dismantle racism, actualize liberation and transform lives both sonically and spiritually. Koach lives with their wife, LaJuana in Philadelphia where he is a student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.